Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The verdict is in! Food, Glorious Food!


The food from The Homemade Pantry is amazing!  I have made the cornbread, hummus, granola bars and a few other recipes and I have to say -- amazing.  Just delicious.  If I could give you food, I would...but as we are Internet friends, I'll use a story.

Here's my example...

DIY Granola Bars tend to be some epic compromise.  Either they aren't chewy or they aren't crunchy, generally they aren't delicious and seem like a lot of work when the ones in the wrappers are soooo good.  You can disagree with me, it's fine, but in my experience of making granola bars, I hadn't found a recipe that outstripped the ease and yumminess of the store bought brand.  Until Alana Chernila's Car Snacks #3 The Nutty Granola Bar blew my mind.  It is perfect.  Sweet, salty, crunchy, chewy, filling, portable--perfection.  They are on my weekly to-make list and when I'm eating one my little 22 month old buddy says, "More! Share! More! Please!"  That's probably the highest praise there is.

This book is officially on my to-buy list.  Added bonuses: great storage tips and the canning method is integrated into the recipes so you it is all spelled out for you.  Anything I can freeze, can or shelf is a win in my world.  

I am about to make a advent calendar that is about doing something each day that prepares our family for Christmas, reflects what it means to us and helps us spend time with each other in quiet, significant ways.  One day is definitely going to be making homemade marshmallows and hot chocolate.  Actually, maybe more than one day!  

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